
Chronic Pain is a persistent pain. Pain that continues through the nervous system for weeks, months, even years. The common chronic pain complaints include headache or migrane, low back pain, cancer pain, arthritis pain, back pain, fibromyalgia, or pain resulting from damage to the peripheral nerves or to the central neurvous system itself.

This seminar will teach you what the latest brain research is showing us about pain. You will learn how to use the newest evidence-based techniques to reduce or eliminate your pain.


  • You will know the purpose and function of pain
  • You will know what makes pain chronic
  • You will discover your personal resources
  • You will use your resources to manage your life
  • You will use your resources to manage pain

Map and Directions to the Seminar

Click here for MapQuest

From Interstate 30, take University Exit. Go South (Right) toward zoo. At the 3rd light take a left onto Old University Road and then take a right onto Merrimac.

Topics Presented

  • Pain and your brain
  • Treatment Strategies
  • EMDR & EFT Techniques
  • Guided-Imagery
  • Self-Care
  • Sleep and Pain
  • Exercise, Pain, and Your Brain
  • Emotions
  • Resources
  • Communication


University Counseling Center

1533 Merrimac Cir, Suite 101

Fort Worth, Texas 76107

Phone: 817 810-0030

Types of Chronic Pain Addressed

  • Arthritis
  • Back Pain
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Migrane Pain
  • and Many Other Types of Chronic Pain


Dr. William R. (Rob) Sheppard

D.min., LMFT, LPC

Reva Sheppard



About the Seminar

We will meet once a week for 1.5 hours for a total of six sessions. The seminar will be repeated every 12 weeks. Check here for the dates. Presentations will be interactive; we encourage participants questions and comments. All seminar materials will be provided. The seminar will compliment your current medical care by giving you additional tools to use. It is not a replacement for your current medical treatment for chronic pain.

Seminar Dates

Dates to be announced




Rob and Reva both have a passion in treating each individual as a person, not a diagnosis. The focus of their treatment is to assist those they counsel to recognize their own value, and to help them to become empowered to become fully alive. Roba and Reva have speical training in EyeMovement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) which is effective in treating chronic pain problems.